Looking For Love

Looking For Love

Looking for love is easy because you have a car.

With a car you can drive anywhere and you do but you have to stop
after you realize you’ve been driving in a dream and you need a break,

need some lunch, need to buy a new pair of sneakers, so you park at the mall.

And now you have on your new sneakers and your belly
is reasonably full but where did you park?

What color did you say your car was?
The parking lot is an ocean of cars without even a horizon.

It looks more like a journey into deep space without the benefit
of warp drive and you feel lost, frustrated, disappointed, betrayed, etc.,

because really you are totally screwed until you realize you are in the wrong dream,
you parked you car in the previous dream that you forgot you had,

it is still right where you left it and hasn’t even changed color at all.

You want to call Uber but you left your phone
in the car back in the other dream.

It is a long way off but you can see the opening that will get
you back to that first dream without a car

but even with the new sneakers it is way too far to walk.

So you sit down on the curb as people stream by with
their packages and cars stream by with their people.

You take out your travel size toothbrush, take off
your sneakers and begin to carve them into toast.

Carving sneakers into toast it turns out is hard work
much harder than you thought each integrated crumb

is a new project and you feel drowsy you can’t fight it
and wobegone, the whole world smells like cinnamon.

You drop the toothbrush and half carved toast as right
overhead the sky begins to turn the color of your car.

It feels like rain. And it feels like the rain will feel like love.